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September's here!


First week back to work down after the summer break! The thought of going back is always the worst part! I knew that I'd be spending the weekend in Kerry all by myself, so I struggled through!

Quilting News

The IPS, Irish Patchwork Society opened the "Hands Across the Border" exhibit in An Táin Arts Center in Dundalk this week, my home town, unfortunately I wasn't able to get up there to see it, but I've been sent loads of photos. Hands Across the Border is a cross border exhibit that happens every two years between the IPS and NIPG, Northern Ireland Patchwork Guild, each guild taking a turn to host it and to choose the theme. This years theme is "Hanging Together Again"

Click here for a video link to the opening and a view of all the quilts.

Here's mine:

"Do What You Love and Love What You Do"

"Do What You Love and Love What you Do"

This is a view of my one of my favourite places to be, and it's using the same technique that I've been playing with for awhile, labour intensive but kinda gets me into that zone!

detail of "Do What You Love and Love What you Do"

I started quilting my daughters Creeper quilt that she made during lockdown, she's well able to quilt it herself, but knew I'd get tired of looking at it and do it for her. The condition was I could quilt whatever I wanted, so doing some feather doodling when I can grab a few free minutes!

I did an amazing online series of classes with Bethanne Nemesh during lockdown, so much fun and learnt a huge amount. Her website is called White Arbor Quilting well worth a look.

Quilting on Gertie!

Reading material

Books, well, I just can't stop buying them. I love Audible to listen to while driving and sometimes quilting. Kindle because I can instantly have the book I want, although I find kindle books with practical instructions, pictures or drawings awkward to work with, maybe I need more practice! I often end up buying the paper versions of Kindle books! Anyhows, my latest purchase is

"Dark Beauty Hidden detail in Harry Clarke's Stained Glass by Lucy Costigan & Michael Cullen" and it's gorgeous. The pictures are stunning, the quality and detail just divine.

I've been on a mission to see some more Harry Clarke windows lately, there's nothing like seeing them in person but you just can't see the details that this book reveals. It's not my only book about Harry Clarke's work, I have two others and another one that a friend lent me that I want to get, but they will have to wait for a Harry Clarke Blog!

detail from Dark Beauty, just look at those colours!

Cover of Dark Beauty

Pattern Time

The "Retreat Bag" by Emmaline Bags is one of my favourites to make. I first came across it when a wonderful friend of mine Kim Caskey made me one and showed me how to get the pattern. It's available as a free pattern from the website, just click on "Retreat Bag" above and it'll bring you straight to the site, some hardware is needed to make it but I have some if you're stuck, email or message me. Every few years I get obsessed with bags and make loads of new types, playing with bought patterns and designing my own. As a result, I have tons of bag and purse hardware and will be adding some of it to the shop soon.

image from website


I just read that the Hands exhibit is extended until the 19th of September, so I will get to see it, yeah! Hate missing the opportunity to see quilt exhibitions, especially if on of mine is in it.

The sea has done it's magic healing on me and I'm ready to face the week ahead, hopefully I'll be a bit more productive. I've had a frozen shoulder this week, and as the world's worst patient, I really did have to give myself a good talking too.

Two more EQA Picture Exchange volumes will be posted this week, well worth a look.

Got to go, the beach is calling me for one last walk, sigh!

Until next week, have a good one, happy sewing and may the force be with you!

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