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Portrait time!


Finished my Luke Haynes fabric portrait classes last week and just had a ball. I've admired Luke's work for years and even met him once at Festival of Quilts , when he had an exhibit there, so it was great fun to attend his online classes. A friend of mine, Claire, did the class and I just loved what she created and I decided to have a go.

It's funny, I've done fabric portraits before, mostly with students, and I think I wanted to know or see another persons technique, to compare, and hopefully reassure myself that I'm doing it right!

It was amazing to watch Luke work, he has a very particular style and technique, and though it may not suit everyone, it certainly works for him, and it did reassure me that my way is good too!!

My portrait of Alexander Mc Queen, yet to be quilted!

Self portrait with chosen background fabric, I drew on some text which I'll quilt into it and will post the finished quilt as soon as it's done!

Auditioning backgrounds, I hang what I like on my design wall, photograph them and then see which I like the most

Quilted some text into the background with yellow thread and then used a bright orange to quilt the portrait. I've just added facings and it's hand sewing time now, to finish facings, hanging sleeve and label.

Spectacular European online exhibit EQA Picture Exchange Challenge 2021

I've just finished my rotation as International Rep. for The Irish Patchwork Society. Part of my job was sitting on the EQA European Quilting Association committee and working with an amazing group of reps to design yearly challenges which then travel around Europe for a couple of years.

Below your'll find links to the 2012 Eqa challenge "Picture Exchange" or you can find them on the EQA Facebook page.

Click on yellow to open a link to view volumes, enjoy!


Lots of quilts arriving for some longarm treatment, and with physical classes resuming soon it's gonna be a busy week! Class samples to be made, instructions to write up, and plans afoot for next year!

Had the privilege of speaking to the NIPG Northern Ireland Patchwork Guild yesterday, what a lovely group, so many familiar faces, many of them long time friends. I think it's very gracious of them to sit and listen to me ramble for a hour or so!

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